Lost Planet 2

A decade has passed since the first game, and the face of E.D.N. III has changed dramatically. Terraforming efforts have been successful and the ice has begun to melt, giving way to lush tropical jungles and harsh unforgiving deserts. Players will enter this new environment and follow the exploits of their own customized snow pirate on their quest to seize control of the changing planet. Players will control their heroes across 6 interconnected episodes, creating a truly unique interactive experience that changes depending upon the actions of the players involved. With this concept, players will have the opportunity to engage in the story in a much more dynamic way as plot threads evolve from different players’ perspectives. No action game would be complete without an arsenal of weaponry, and Lost Planet 2 has a huge variety of hardware for players to unleash on unsuspecting enemies. Machine guns, shotguns, rocket launchers, lasers, sniper rifles, grenades and a host of other weapons are scattered across the game. However, Lost Planet 2’s biggest weapons come on two legs: the heavily armed and armored robotic Vital Suits return in greater numbers and variety than the first game. There are VS that transform into other vehicles, hold up to three players and some that even take multiple players to operate.

Massive environments brought to life by an advanced game engine, a truly huge scale of enemies and a rewards system which rewards players for assisting teammates and contributing to the team's success against them.
An unbelievable variety of Vital Suits and new ways to use them. The new VS system will have a powerful impact on the way the player takes to the war zone in Lost Planet 2.
4-player co-op and split-screen co-op locally allowing you to team up to battle the giant Akrid. Teamwork is the player's key to victory as team members are dependent on each other to succeed and survive.
Appearances by Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago from the Gears of War games.
RPG elements added to the game include character customization, experience points, evolution of the game based on players decisions and actions (single player).

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